We’re confident we can provide the best global tax service for you.
Because we’ve helped 50,000+ Amazonians since 1997.
We’ll start by reviewing your personal information and completing a tax briefing with you. If applicable, your spouse or partner is welcome to join. Based on your home and host countries, you may get additional country-specific services in addition to both the standard tax briefing and tax return services.
Country guides
If you want to learn more, please contact us at gbl_vialto_amztaxteam@vialto.
We know what it takes to move Amazonians around the world. See how our suite of myMobility tools makes it easy.
Sign documents quickly through our e-Sign verification process, seamlessly integrated within our Vialto Partners myMobility app.
Upload pictures and download documents directly to myMobility from any device and access them securely anytime, anywhere
Quickly upload your previous tax year information through easy-to-use pro-forma technology
Benefit from a global tax data collection process that allows data sharing and reduces redundancy
Smart tax tech
Sign documents quickly through our e-Sign verification process, seamlessly integrated within our Vialto Partners myMobility app.
Upload pictures and download documents directly to myMobility from any device and access them securely anytime, anywhere
Quickly upload your previous tax year information through easy-to-use pro-forma technology
Benefit from a global tax data collection process that allows data sharing and reduces redundancy
Seamless Amazon integration
We work with Amazon payroll to receive your payroll reports
We understand your global stock reporting because we’re tightly connected to the Amazon stock team
We help streamline your move via automated data sharing with Amazon and your relocation partner
We’re on Chime—ping us with any questions you have
Here to keep you moving
Tax returns are completed in less than 15 days on average after all your documents are received*
Missing information, action items, and important deadlines are all displayed on your myMobility dashboard
Vialto Partners team members are assigned to you so that you have direct contact in both home and host locations
Services for your family
We involve both you and your spouse or partner in the initial tax briefing and will prepare both of your tax returns
We directly assist with the tax registration for your dependents as official certified accepting agents
We guide you and your spouse or partner through registration and deregistration with the proper tax authorities
We give your family flexibility by giving you the choice to share your myMobility access with your spouse or partner
What we offer
Personalized videos explaining your tax return position delivered alongside your tax return
Breakdown of your reported income and overall tax rate
Instructions on filing process and making payments
Tax Insights Dashboard to allow you to
1) review all your tax return documents and tasks on the go,
2) effortlessly e-file your taxes,
3) complete payments, and
4) monitor filing status in real-time
“Vialto Partners team was so flexible and went out of their way to help. They exhibit thorough customer obsession.”
Kannappan P.United Kingdom
“Can’t say I found any gaps. The process was easy and straightforward with Vialto Partners.”
Michael C.USA
“Access to information (e.g. videos and tutorials) for US tax has improved greatly over the past couple of years. This has definitely made the process smoother.”
Nadia S.Mexico
“I got prompt and detailed responses to my queries. The tax PoC also provided great support and guidance over phone when needed.”
Jadhav S.India
“Both home country and host country tax advisors did a fantastic job. They were patient, helpful and most importantly flexible during the difficult times of COVID19.”
Baktygaliev B.Kazakhstan
“Responses to my inquiries were very fast and with enough details. Amazing team both in US/France. I had a lot of challenges completing those taxes but they assisted me all the way to the end. Big thank you to the small team that worked on my taxes.”
Junior E.United States
Within 48 hours of selecting us, you’ll get an invite to get started by setting up your myMobility profile and begin uploading documents.
We will review your personal information and send you relevant reference materials, then schedule an online meeting to go over your unique tax situation.
We will send you notes from our tax briefing together for reference. This includes important FAQs, key tax information, and important Amazon links.
Our process provides you with ownership and transparency of your tax return. You can view progress at any time, and we will alert you when your return is ready.
We will keep supporting you throughout the year by alerting you to any tax notices and assessments to ensure you’re ready for the next tax cycle.
Can I ping you on Chime? (how do I reach you on Chime?)
Yes. You can directly Chime your Vialto Partners Tax Contact by inviting them as a contact using their Vialto Partners email address. Or, you can Chime our team directly at gbl_vialto_amztaxteam@vialto.com.
When do you start preparing my tax return?
We receive the calendar year authorization list directly from Amazon at the end of December and in June for fiscal year countries (e.g., Australia, India and UK). The tax process starts as soon as we receive authorization from Amazon.
How does Vialto Partners work with Amazonians?
We use myMobility, a secure and integrated platform with everything you will need in one place. We are also available on Chime to connect with you real-time.
How do I sign up with Vialto Partners?
Simply return to your Graebel dashboard and select the link that asks you to choose your tax provider, click on it and choose us (Vialto Partners).
Does Vialto Partners work directly with Amazon?
Yes. We work closely with the Amazon payroll and stock team to gather information for your tax reporting.
Do you provide tax services for my family as well?
Yes. We prepare tax returns for you and your spouse or partner.
How long does it typically take to file a tax return?
We make every effort to have your tax return(s) completed within 15 days of receiving all relevant information.
How does Vialto Partners use Amazon’s Leadership Principles?
Customer Obsession
Are Right, A Lot
Hire and Develop the Best
Does Vialto Partners assist with Expat Regime applications?
Yes. We will review your qualification for expat regimes (depending on the location of your move) and assist you in the application process. We will also work with Amazon payroll (if applicable) to ensure that your payroll code is adjusted accordingly.
Do Vialto Partners applications work on mobile devices, or on desktop only?
Our applications work on both mobile and desktop devices.
Does Vialto Partners have e-signature features available?
Yes, e-sign and/or electronic filing is available in most locations. Your filing instructions, which are included with every Vialto Partners tax return, will specify exactly what your next steps are to complete the tax return filing process.
Our decades of experience mean we stay one step ahead by anticipating your needs and exceeding expectations. So you can focus on what’s important—your move.
Our goal is to make taxes easier, starting with how you connect with us. Chime. Phone Calls. Emails. We’re only quick a message away.
Speed, security and accuracy. Once we have everything from you, we’ll complete your tax return in 15 days on average.
Our decades of experience mean we stay one step ahead by anticipating your needs and exceeding expectations. So you can focus on what’s important—your move.
Our goal is to make taxes easier, starting with how you connect with us. Chime. Phone Calls. Emails. We’re only quick a message away.
Speed, security and accuracy. Once we have everything from you, we’ll complete your tax return in 15 days on average.
Vialto Partners offers the best of both worlds—unmatched global scope with deep, localized knowledge. Our seamless, technology-forward solutions make your transitions smooth. So no matter where you want to go, you’ll have the tools and support you need to get you there faster.
We are an industry leader with over 50 years of experience servicing the cross-border needs of our clients.
We provide tax, immigration and other Global Mobility support to clients and their employees in over 150 countries.
We have over 6,000 Vialto Partners team members across the globe.
Let our tax experts and industry leading technology handle your taxes, giving you more time to focus on your move. From offer acceptance through post-move, we’re with you every step of the way.